If our calculations are correct, we are 5 weeks pregnant today! Our baby/babies is/are around the size of a sesame seed. So far, I've not had too many symptoms. I've mainly just been tired, feeling a little bloated, and needing to pee a little more than usual.
My HGC levels were continuing to rise at my doctor's appointment this past Friday, so everything looks good so far. My HCG level was at 715.5. Our next appointment is on 3/25/11 for an ultrasound, which is when we will find out how many babies we have!
My mom and dad came to visit this past weekend, and they gave us our first baby gift--a little baby robe and hooded towel. My mom also gave me her old sewing machine, and I completed my first sewing project with my mom's help--a nursing cover. Thanks momma and daddy!
Please continue to keep our precious baby/babies in your prayers!
Homemade Sourdough Flour Tortillas
1 week ago