First Mother's Day
This year, I celebrated my first Mother's Day as a mommy-to-be. The baby gave me a sweet card, and I got some gifts and cards from our family. We were lucky enough to be able to be in Taylorsville for Mother's Day, so we were both able to spend some time with our moms on Mother's Day.
The End of the First Trimester
Last Monday marked the end of the first trimester. How blessed we are that we made it through this far, and that our baby is growing strong and healthy! We are excited to start the second trimester; it brings lots of exciting things--I've already started to feel better and have a little more energy, a chance to find out the baby's gender, and being able to feel the baby move! Here's a summary of our first trimester, in no particular order:
1. Morning sickness (more like all day and night sickness), which has gradually started to go away. Unfortunately I had to give in and take Zofran to help with the nausea, but it helped me feel well enough to eat more, which provided more nutrition for the baby. Mornings are still usually the worst time, but I'm feeling better.
2. Fatigue, which is slowly fading
3. We heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time at 6 1/2 weeks. We've been lucky enough to hear the baby's heartbeat multiple times, both at the doctor's office and at Cody's clinic.
4. We were released from the reproductive specialist and now fully in the care of the midwife.
5. We had our first ultrasound at 6 1/2 weeks. We saw the baby kick and wave for our next ultrasound at 10 weeks.
6. We picked out baby names: Noah Grayson for a boy and Madelyn Claire for a girl.
7. Indigestion, which seemed to get a little better when I was able to stop taking the progesterone supplements.
8. Mainly food aversions (to just about every thing) instead of food cravings. Foods that I've been able to eat fairly consistently--goldfish, saltine crackers, applesauce, fruit. I'm starting to eat a larger variety of foods and crave milkshakes.
9. Lost 3 1/2 lbs. due to the nausea and food aversions, but am slowing gainly the weight back.
10. We have begun packing up the office so we can turn it into the nursery.
11. We've started looking at options for nursery furniture and bedding.
12. We've received lots of hand-me-down items from friends and family, including maternity clothes, books, bassinet, breast pump, and more! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
13. More emotional
14. Decided that my last day of work will be August 12
The Arrival of the Bump
13 weeks
Homemade Sourdough Flour Tortillas
1 week ago