- She is wearing most 0-3 month size clothing (some brands are still a little large)
- Her next doctor's appointment is on 1/18/12, so I'll post weight and height stats then.
- She is still wearing size 1 diapers.
- Maddie is able to hold her head up for longer periods of time while doing tummy time. When holding her under her arms, she can pretty much hold her head up on her own, but it is still a little wobbly.
- She continues to have a happy personality, although we have had a couple nights and one full day where she has been fussy...maybe colic or gas???
- Lulu in a Tutu continues to be her favorite toy, although she also likes to hold her Piglet lovie when she sleeps in her swing.
- She is still feeding on demand--she likes to eat about every 3 hours during the day and about every 3 1/2 - 4 hours at night. Due to our estimates how much I'm able to pump and how much she will take from a bottle, our guess is that she eats about 3-4 oz. at each feeding.
- Madelyn is now sleeping her crib at night, and she has done wonderfully! I think it was harder for Mommy to make the transition than it was for Maddie! She usually wakes up about every 3 1/2 - 4 hours, but she has had a stretch as long as 5 hours and 20 minutes! We are getting closer and closer to a full nights sleep! :) She still enjoys being swaddled at night and will occasionally use a pacifier to help her get to sleep.
- She has discovered her hands. You'll frequently find her staring at her hands or putting them in her mouth (not for hunger, just for exploration).
- Her favorite place to nap during the day is her swing. It's so funny because the music on the swing is set on a timer. Sometimes when the music goes off, she will let out a little cry as if she is saying, "Please turn my music back on!" She also loves to stare at the mobile on the swing.
- She enjoys us singing to her and will kick her legs and swat her hands while we sing. Some of her favorites are: "Skin-a-ma-rink-i-dinky-dink," "Twist and Shout," and "Jesus Loves Me"
- Maddie's smiles are becoming larger and more frequent! You can tell she is smiling on purpose when she sees Daddy or Mommy. She smiles the most first thing in the mornings, but she will usually give you a smile at any time throughout the day if you work at it.
- Madelyn is starting to track faces and objects with her eyes.
- She loves for us to hold her and walk around so she can look at things. Some of her favorite things to stare at are the tree in her room and the canvas flower pictures in the living room. Although she recently discovered the picture of Mommy and Daddy in the living room and has started to stare at it a lot too.
- Maddie made her first big trip across NC over the holidays. We only had to stop once each way during the 4 hour trip.
- She is cooing more.
- She has started slobbering more and blowing little tiny bubbles out of her mouth, especially when she gets excited.
- She is not really a fan of the Moby wrap right now because she has to sit facing in towards me; however, she does enjoy the Baby Bjorn where she can face out to see the world.
- She is able to grasp and hold one of her rattles for short periods of time when it is put in her hands. She'll usually start to shake it and ends up dropping it.
- Madelyn enjoys looking at books. We try to read 2-3 books each afternoon, and sometimes we'll read some before she goes to bed.
- When she is tired and is being held up on your shoulder, she'll squeeze your neck and nuzzle into your shoulder. Maddie gives the best hugs!
- And guess what...she rolled over today! She rolled over from tummy to back while laying on her playmat. We missed the video opportunity, but keep posted!
Homemade Sourdough Flour Tortillas
1 week ago
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