- wearing 3-6 month clothing
- wearing size 2 diapers
- She can sit with help--either in her bumbo seat or propped up on the couch as long as we are nearby
- She has learned how to roll from her back to her belly, and she loves it! Anytime we put her on the floor to play, she immediately turns over to her belly and holds that head up high. This also means that she rolls over onto her tummy when she sleeps! This worried me at first, but Maddie quickly taught me there is nothing I can do to stop it!
- Favorite toys: Lulu in a Tutu, Doodlebug, her jumperoo, looking at books, Piglet lovie, and taggie lovie
- She is eating about every 3 - 3 1/2 hours during the day, but can go as long as 4 1/2 hours if she is napping. She has been taking bottles while she is in the nursery at church as long as they are warmed.
- She goes to sleep while I am rocking her and nursing her. (Bad habit, I know!) Her bedtime is at 8 p.m. She usually wakes up once during the night to eat. Usually she'll have a good 6 - 7 hour stretch before she wakes up, then she'll usually wake up again after about 3 - 4 hours. Most of the time, she'll immediately go back to sleep after she eats. We are not swaddling her anymore since she can roll over. Lately, she's been ready to get up and start the day between 6:30 and 7:30 a.m.
- She loves putting everything in her mouth!
- Maddie loves her swing and naps in it about 3-4 times a day.
- She likes being held and walked around so she can look at everything. She also enjoys us dancing with her while we sing.
- Maddie likes the tv! I don't deliberately put her in front of it to watch it, but I'll catch her watching it when it is on.
- She enjoys being outside! Spring is coming, so that means more outdoor play time and walks!
- Her little legs are getting stronger. She likes to "stand" with help.
- She will follow us with her eyes as we walk around the room. She likes to watch Hershey too.
- She smiles, giggles, coos, squeals, makes blowing noises, and trys to talk ("oooo", "ah-goo"). I think she just likes hearing herself squeal and can get quite loud.
- She thinks it's funny when I blow quick little puffs of air in her face or when I put my mouth on her belly and blow.
- She is a good car rider and this will often put her to sleep if she is tired.
- She goes on regular errands with us and seems to enjoy getting out and seeing other sights and sounds.
- Maddie enjoys bath time and is starting splash around a little more by kicking her legs.
- She does a good job taking her Vitamin D every day and will often open her little mouth in anticipation, although I'm not sure how much she likes the taste as she will sometimes make faces after she swallows.
- She goes for her 4 month well child check with Dr. Schmidt on Thursday, so we'll post stats then.
Homemade Sourdough Flour Tortillas
1 week ago
She's so cute! Just wait...you'll blink again and she'll be on the top of the couch like Ava...or saying "no kiss, Mommy" (her first sentence, haha) ;)