"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

God's Amazing Creation

I don't know how anyone can look at a baby and not believe in God.  What little miracles they are!  While I was pregant, I was so amazed at how a little human was growing inside of me...a little human that would respond to my voice or to my touch with little (and sometimes big) kicks.  And I couldn't get over how well our bodies could accomodate these little babies, providing space and nutrients so they can grow strong and healthy. 

As Maddie grows, I continue to be amazed at God's creation everyday.  Right now, my mind can't get wrapped around how a 7 1/2 month old can understand so much.  Maddie may not be able to communicate with the "correct" words, but it is obvious that she understands so much and is communicating in her own little way.  Her gestures, facial expressions, and verbalizations are developing so quickly...and they say so much!  You can tell when she is happy, scared, mad, thoughtful, bored, tired, relaxed, content, surprised...and even when she thinks you are being crazy!

Here is a list of the words/phrases that Maddie can understand:
  • Are you hungry? 
  • Do you want to eat?
  • All done! (We are trying to teach her baby sign language for this one...sometimes she'll do her own little version.)
  • Are you sleepy? 
  • Do you want to take a nap?
  • Do you want to go night night?
  • Do you want some water?  (She sometimes reaches for our cups so she can have a drink.)
  • Do you want a drink? 
  • Mommy
  • Daddy
  • Hershey (She even knows the sound of his paws on the hardwood floors and get's excited and turns her head to look for him every time!)
  • Maddie/Madelyn
  • Let's change your diaper.
  • Sit up
  • Lay down
  • Stand
  • Come here!
  • Mommy's gonna getcha!  (Not sure if she understands the words or just my hand motions on this one...I say this with my hands in the air right before I tickle her!)
  • Turn the page.
I'm sure she understands so much more than we even know!  How can she be so smart at only 7 1/2 months?  The only answer...she's one of God's amazing creations!

I love this baby!

Big smile!

You can see her little teeth peeking out from her smile in this one!


  1. I see that tooth!! Sigh...she's growing up so fast. I'd say "stop time now!!" but it just gets better and better. :)

    All of God's babies are so special and amazing! (but this one got a little extra cuteness and mental capacity ;)

  2. What wonderful pics of Maddie and what an awesome God we have to serve. He fills all of our needs and gives us love beyond measure. Only 2 weeks from today and I can have some NANA time with her.
