"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, November 5, 2011

38 Week Appointment

We went back to see the midwife this Thursday for my 38 week follow up appointment.  Everything looks great and is progressing as it should be.
  • I lost 1/2 lb. since my last visit.  Slight weight loss is normal during late pregnancy and can mean delivery is getting closer.  (Or it could just be a fluctuation in water retention, change in clothing, etc.)
  • My pregnancy symptoms are as to be expected for being 38 weeks pregnant--swelling, problems sleeping, being tired, back aches.
  • Madelyn's heartbeat was in the 150's because she was wiggly at the time.  It showed good acceleration according to her movements.
  • My belly was measuring at 35 cm, which is fine and signifies she has dropped some. 
  • Monica, the midwife, estimated that Madelyn probably weighs about 6 1/2 lbs.
  • Madelyn is still in the head-down position.
I go back on Tuesday for another appointment.  Monica was nice enough to see us after hours, as she is only in the clinic on Tuesday, and of course Cody has clinic all day too.  We are going to meet her there as soon as Cody finishes his clinic.  She will check me to see if I have progressed any since my 36 week appointment.  If I have dilated enough and Madelyn is in the right position, she plans to strip my membranes.  (This is not breaking my water, although there is always a chance that could happen when she does it, but it is unlikely.  She will separate the bag of water from my uterine wall, which increases prostaglandins, which can cause me to have contractions and go into labor within the next few days.  However, there is no guarantee this will jump start labor--my body has to be ready for this to work.  This is safe for Madelyn and me, although it might be a little painful during the procedure, and it might cause some cramping afterwards, even if it does not put me in labor.)  Who knows...maybe by this time next week, we might be holding our sweet little girl in our arms! 


  1. Woohoo! I've never had my membranes stripped, but I did have a friend who did (she was trying for a vbac and wanted to go into labor before her due date so she wouldn't have to have a c-section)...it worked for her within 24 hours! The finish line is in sight :) I know you cannot wait to meet that sweet little girl and kiss her precious cheeks!

  2. P.S. the "brain" was made out of jello...was supposed to have cream cheese and pineapples mixed in, but it separated into that lovely-looking concoction. That probably makes you want to vomit...but you did ask ;)

    P.P.S. It's not the same Monica that delivered Jacob is it? I think I already asked you that...her last name was Horne I believe.
