"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, June 18, 2012

It's a *Double* Celebration!

Yesterday was a special day for our family--in a double way!  Not only was it Cody's first Father's Day, Cody and I also celebrated our 6th anniversary!  Thankfully Cody has some wonderful friends at work who don't mind to work the ENTIRE weekend for him so he could take off! 

On Saturday, some of our friends from church babysat Maddie for us so we could go out to eat lunch for our anniversary.  We went to one of our favorite restaurants--Chili's!  It is hard for me to leave Maddie with anyone, but it was so nice just to have some time for the two of us. 

We forgot to take our camera inside Chili's, so we took a pic when we got back in the car!
I gave Cody a piece of art I made.  I got the idea from Etsy, but my version was much cheaper...and I think more sentimental since I made it!  I typed our vows and printed those on a piece of cardstock, which became the background for the picture.  I was able to find an outline of a tree online, which I used to paint the tree onto a piece of cream colored vellum.  I added two heart stickers with our initials, hanging from the tree with ribbon. 

Hand-made with love!
Cody brought me flowers and my favorite chocolates (Lindt dark chocolate truffles) when he came home from work on Friday!  The flowers look beautiful on our kitchen table!

Beautiful pink flowers!

On Sunday, we just enjoyed spending the day together as a family.  I made Cody a special Father's Day breakfast.  He requested an omelet with peppers and onions (which turned out to be scrambled eggs with peppers and onions because I, apparently, cannot make an omelet!), toast, bacon, and coffee.
Yum!  Yum!

A good start to the day!
For Father's Day, I gave Cody some Carolina Panthers fold-up chairs--something he's been wanting for a while.  Maddie gave Daddy a picture frame with three pictures of her holding letters to spell out "DAD".  He loved it!  I think he is going to take it to work and hang it up in his office.  This was another Pinterest idea. 
Maddie loves her Daddy!
We took a walk through the Greenville Greenway.  We all love being outside, and it was such a beautiful day!  The trail we were walking on led us to the park.  Maddie loved being able to swing for a little while.  I think she smiled the entire time.  It shouldn't be surprising though, given how much she likes to sleep in her swing at home.
Father's Day morning--even her jammies show how much she loves Daddy!

Daddy and Madelyn

Fun in the swing

All smiles!

Such a big girl!
After our walk, we took Cody out to eat for Father's Day.  After much deliberation, he decided he wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse.  We couldn't have had a more wonderful day together as a family celebrating two very special events.  Cody, you are an amazing husband and daddy!  I am so blessed to be your wife!  Happy 6th Anniversary, and Happy 1st Father's Day!  I love you!


  1. I LOVE the artwork you made...you're becoming quite the little artist!! I also love Maddie's pictures...especially the one where she is eating the "D" :)

    Happy Anniversary and Daddy's Day!

  2. That was very pretty artwork and such a good idea. I hope you had a wonderful anniversary and Cody had a wonderful Fathers Day. I can tell Maddie enjoyed the park very much. Will see yall in about 3 weeks. Can't wait. Love yall bunches!
