"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, May 28, 2012

Milestones and Maddie-isms

  1. Maddie got her first tooth on Saturday.  It's still not all the way through, but you can see a cute little white spot and feel a sharp little tooth coming through her gum.
  2. Maddie is no longer being nursed to sleep.  Once we started feeding her rice cereal (and now green beans) and taking her on a run right before bed, she's able to go to sleep without it.  It used to be that she would cry and fuss until she was nursed, but now she'll let us just rock her or bop her to sleep.  I guess she gave it up when she was ready.  What a big girl!
  3. Funny, but sad, Maddie-ism:  Apparently Maddie is completely scared of me when I have a towel on my head.  I was getting ready for church on Sunday, and I picked her up right after I got out of the shower and still had the towel on my head.  She started crying and would not have anything to do with me.  I took the towel off my head, but by then she was already so worked up that she wouldn't stop crying.  Cody was on his way home from work, but I had to find a way to calm her down until he got there.  I tried everything that usually makes her smile and laugh, but she was not having it.  I ended up having to put her in her swing while I dried my hair.  She cried for a little while, but ended up calming down and falling asleep.  She cried again today seeing me with the towel on my head, but Cody was here so he held her and got her calmed down.  She still looked at me hesitantly....I guess I'm not Mommy with towel on my head!


  1. HAHA! Mel...that is funny. It is strange how babies will find the least little thing to be scared of. Maybe the reason she hasn't been resting good is because she was cutting that tooth. I imagine that really hurts a small one. I am glad she is doing so well. Did you take one of those cute 6 month snapshots? Hope yall have had a wonderful Memorial Day. Love all of you.

  2. Maddie is already a little dramatic diva...she'll be accessorizing and causing trouble with Ava in now time ;)
